o1. When did you make your first Ascii attempts? -- Back in 1990, just when I entered the modem/bbs scene with a poor 2400bps modem. That was cool haha NOT o2. Do you know how many Ascii-productions have you released? -- Of course I do, I'm not someone who's releasing collections like a fucking robot. o3. What's so damn special with Ascii? -- Nothing special about it, I just like watching well designed stuff, and since this is the only way to do it, it's cool. o4. Have you got any special idols from the Ascii-scene? -- Sure, I always loved the stuff Splatt has done. But that doesn't mean he's my idol or something, I just liked the stuff he and a FEW others did. o5. What's your opinion about the Iff2Ascii-Art? -- Well, when the 1st converter by Beermacht got released it was something special what everyone was using since you didn't need anything than a clean font. That what most people did to advertise their board, just as now. Unfortunately the logos and stuff fucked up when Kick 2.0 got re- leased, so most ppl quitted it. Now there's something else where the IFF gets converted to °© characters, and to be honest, I like it somehow althought it's not the same. o6. Are dot's more stylish than 'regular' Ascii? -- No, but it's cool if you got a cool style which is only possible if you do it with dots. I guess that's the only reason why ppl using it. o7. Do you read every single collection that is released today? -- No, I'm only downloading collections from more of famous artists or ppl I know. o8. Do you answer requests made to 'All Available Artists' ? -- Pardon? o9. How should a request be written to be guarantied a answer from you? -- Normally I just do ascii's when I'm in the rite mood, so you don't have to write long letters to get one, although I don't like ppl which I never heard before begging me for an ascii just w/ "Hey, do me a xyz!" 1o. Are there more Ascii-groups than there has to be? -- No, there're already too much of them now. 11. What do you think of the attitude in the Ascii-scene of today? -- What attitude? I don't listen to people I don't respect, and I don't really respect that much people. 12. What do you think about the idea of having special magazines dedicated to the Ascii-scene? -- If it's done well, cool, but it should be done by people who know what's going on. 13. Is there a big difference between Old-skool Ascii and Ascii of today? -- Well, not really, but well, most of the times I still prefer watching logos from so-called "oldschool" artists than from anyone else, just because it tooks YEARS to improve your style. There're some artists where all the newcomers got their roots from, that's ok as long as they know where they got their styles from. 14. Have you any special projects going on that will be released in a near future? -- Well, I'm gonna do some co-op release together w/ Rotox and Desert, no idea what it will be exactly, some ascii shit I guess :) 15. What would you be doing instead of Ascii if you suddenly quitted? -- haha, hey, ascii's aren't my life, so what the fuck? 16. Do you have a horny snoop doggy dogg? -- Unfortunately not.